The Church Order

Article 1 Aim and content of the church order

In the church of Christ all things should be done in good order. For this reason it is necessary to have regulations in respect of:


  1. The Offices
  2. The Assemblies
  3. Supervision over doctrine and worship
  4. Discipline
  5. Concluding articles

A: The Offices

Article 2 Three offices
Three offices are to be distinguished: the office of minister of the Word, of elder and of deacon. Some ministers may be set apart for the training of students for the ministry, others for mission work.

Article 3 Necessity of lawful calling
No one shall fill any of these offices without having been lawfully called thereto.

Article 4 Binding to a certain church
No one shall be called to the ministry of the Word unless he is bound to a certain church.

Article 5 Calling to the ministry of the Word
The lawful calling to the ministry of the Word of those who have not yet occupied the office of minister, involves the calling, the examination, the approval of the congregation and the ordination.

The calling takes place, under invocation of the Lord, by the consistory with the deacons, with the co-operation of the congregation, and in observance of the regulations in local use.  Only those who have been examined preparatory by the classis, in which they reside, shall be eligible for receiving calls.  Churches which have no minister in office shall extend a call after having received advice from the counsellor who has been appointed for this purpose by the classis.      

The examination, both of doctrine and life, shall be conducted by the classis to which the call must be submitted for approval. It shall take place in the presence of the deputies of synod for the classis. (According to art. 49 CO). 

The approval of the church members is obtained when the name of the called minister has been announced in the church for two consecutive Sundays, and no lawful objection has been brought forward.

The ordination shall take place in a church service. The form which has been adopted for that purpose shall be used together with the imposition of hands by the officiating minister.

Article 6 Calling to another church
Ministers, who are called to another church, shall likewise be called in the aforesaid manner by the consistory and the deacons, with the co-operation of the congregation, and the observance of the regulations in local use.

The churches shall observe the general ecclesiastical ordinances for the eligibility of those ministers who have served outside South Africa in churches of reformed doctrine. The same minister may not repeatedly be called for the same vacancy without consent of the classis.

Churches which have no minister in office shall extend a call after having received advice from a counsellor who has been appointed to this purpose by the classis.

All churches are to obtain the approval of the classis. For this approval ministers, called in accordance with the provisions of this article, shall show good ecclesiastical testimonies of doctrine and life. The approval of the church members is also required and is obtained when the name of the called minister has been announced in the church for two consecutive Sundays and no lawful objection has been brought forward.

The ordination shall take place in a church service in which the form adopted for that purpose shall be used.

Article 7 Certificate of release with the acceptance of a call
When a minister has accepted a call to another church, that church shall not accept him as her minister until he has presented proper certificates of release from the church and the classis where he has served.

Article 8 Admission without theological training
Those persons who have not received theological training shall not be admitted to the ministry unless there is convincing evidence that they have exceptional gifts of godliness, humility, modesty, good intellect, discretion, and the gift of public speech.

When such persons present themselves for admission to the ministry of the Word, the classis, upon the approval of the deputies of synod for the classis, shall examine them. If, in the opinion of the classis, the examinations have favourable results, the classis shall determine a period of time during which the above persons may, as candidates, officiate in the churches of the classis area.

Thereafter the classis shall deal with them as it deems edifying, according to the general regulations adopted for that purpose by the churches.

Article 9 Admission of ministers who have recently joined the church
Ministers, who have recently joined one of the churches and originate from a church with which the churches do not maintain a sister church relationship, shall only be admitted to the ministry of the Word with great caution.

The appropriate general church stipulations shall thereby be duly observed.

When the classis and the deputies of synod for the classis deem it necessary, such a person shall first pass through a trial period.

Article 10 Officiating in another church
No one shall preach the Word or administer the sacraments in another church without the permission of the consistory concerned.

Article 11 Support for ministers
The consistory, on behalf of the congregation, shall be bound to provide for the proper support of its minister(s).

Article 12 Appointment to an extraordinary task
A minister shall not accept an appointment which will cause him to be completely devoted to an extraordinary task, such as an army or hospital chaplain, unless he remains bound to a church.

The relationship between him and the church, to which he is bound, must be arranged with the consent of the classis.

Article 13 Retirement of ministers
If a minister, by reason of age, sickness or otherwise, is rendered incapable of performing the duties of his office, he rightfully remains a minister of the Word.�

The church which he has served shall support him honourably. This obligation also applies in relation to widows and orphans of ministers.

Article 14 Dismissal
The consistory shall not dismiss a minister from his bond with the congregation without the prior knowledge and approval of the classis and the deputies of synod for the classis.

Article 15 Relief from office
Once a minister of the Word is called to office in accordance with the rule of Article 5, he is bound to the service of the church for life. This means he may not resign from his office.

He can only be relieved from his office and enter upon another vocation; if the consistory and the classis, in co-operation with the deputies of synod for the classis, determine that there are substantial reasons for doing so.

Article 16 Task of ministers
The task of ministers is to faithfully lead in prayer, preach the Word and administer the sacraments.

They shall watch over their fellow office-bearers and over the congregation. Together with the elders they shall exercise church discipline and see to it that everything is done decently and in good order.

Article 17 Equitable distribution of duties
When two or more ministers are bound to one congregation, equality shall be maintained as much as possible, not only regarding their office but also in all other respects, according to the discernment of the consistory, and, if necessary, of the classis.

The rule also applies in relation to elders and deacons.

Article 18 Training for the ministry of the Word
The churches shall maintain a theological university for the training for the ministry of the Word.

It is the task of the professors of theology, inter alia, to expound the Holy Scriptures and to defend the sound doctrine against heresies and errors.

Ministers, who have been set apart to serve in the training for the ministry, remain bound to the church which they served in the same manner as emeriti ministers, and keep the rights of a minister of the Word.

Together the churches are obliged to properly provide for them and their widows and orphans.

Article 19 Students of theology
The churches shall strive to ensure that there are students of theology. They shall extend financial aid where necessary.

Article 20 Calling of elders and deacons
The elders and deacons shall be called to their office by the consistory and the deacons, in co-operation with the congregation, and observing the regulations in local use. This includes that church members may draw the attention of the consistory to persons whom they consider suitable.

The consistory and the deacons shall present to the congregation twice as many candidates as required, and thereafter appoint those who have been elected. If no lawful objection is brought forward, they shall be ordained in their offices in a church service.

If necessary, the consistory and the deacons may present to the congregation the same number of persons as are necessary to fill the vacancies.

If no lawful objection is brought forward, they shall be ordained in the manner stated above. In both instances the form for the ordination of elders and deacons, which has been adopted for that purpose, shall be used.

Article 21 Task of elders
The task of the elders is, together with the ministers of the Word, to govern the congregation with pastoral care. They shall see to it that the ministers, their fellow-elders and the deacons, carry out their offices faithfully. For the up building of the congregation they shall make home visits as often as is profitable, but at least once a year. They shall also, together with the ministers, exercise church discipline and see to it that everything in the congregation is done decently and in good order.

Article 22 Task of deacons
The task of the deacons is to perform the ministry of mercy.

By making home visits they shall acquaint themselves with difficulties in the congregation. They will help and encourage where there is need, and also urge church members to render assistance. They shall, furthermore, collect the gifts, take charge of them properly and, after mutual consultation, distribute them where there is need.

Article 23 Retirement of elders and deacons
The elders and deacons shall serve for two or more years, subject to the local regulations. As a rule, each year a proportionate number shall retire. The retiring office-bearers shall be replaced by others, unless it is deemed desirable for the congregation to call them into office again. In that case the rules of article 20 shall be observed.

Article 24 Missionary calling
The churches shall perform their missionary calling observing the articles of this Church Order. When churches work together in performing this calling, they shall abide by the division into regions which has been accepted by the bond of churches.

Article 25 Task of missionaries
The task of ministers, who are called to the mission work, is to proclaim the Word of God in the region assigned to them. They shall administer the sacraments to those who have come to faith, and they shall teach them to observe all that Christ has commanded his church. According to good order, they shall also institute the offices.

Article 26 Consistory and evangelism
The work of evangelism shall have as its aim that those who do not know God or have been estranged from Him and his service may join the congregation of Christ by way of profession of faith according to the reformed doctrine. The consistory shall see to it that the work is done from this objective.

Article 27 Office bearers and the government
The office bearers shall impress upon the congregation that she is obliged to be obedient to and show respect for the government, because God has instituted the government. They should themselves be a good example in this regard and by means of proper respect and correspondence invoke the government to continually protect the ministry of the church.

B: The Assemblies

Article 28 Three assemblies
Three ecclesiastical assemblies shall meet regularly: The consistory, the classis and the synod.

Article 29 Opening and closing of the assemblies
The proceedings of all assemblies shall begin with calling upon the name of God and be closed with thanksgiving.

Article 30 Authority of the assemblies
These assemblies shall only deal with ecclesiastical matters and in an ecclesiastical manner.

A major assembly shall deal only with those matters which concern the regional churches in common or which could not be resolved in the minor assembly.

If it concerns a new matter arising from the churches, it can be placed on the agenda of the major assembly only by way of preparation in the minor assembly.

Article 31 Appeal to a major assembly
If anyone is of the opinion that he is wronged by a decision of a minor assembly, he can appeal to a major assembly. The other classis can also serve as a major assembly. (Thus: Consistory -> Classis -> Other classis -> Synod).

The decision which is taken by a majority vote shall be accepted as binding, unless it is proved to be in conflict with the Word of God or with the Church Order.

Article 32 Delegation to major assemblies
Delegates to major assemblies shall bring with them their credentials, signed by their senders, on which basis they have the right to vote. They shall not vote on matters which concern themselves or their own churches.

Article 33 Instructions and proposals
A minor assembly shall not draw up an instruction or a proposal for a major assembly, before any decisions of previous synods concerning the proposed matter are accurately read. That which is finished must not be brought up again, unless it is considered that amendment is essential.

Article 34 Task of chairman and secretary
The task of the chairman is to clearly present the matters that are to be dealt with. He shall ensure that discussions take place in an orderly manner. He shall command to silence those who argue about minor things or who let themselves be carried away by their emotions, and reprove them if they refuse to listen. His task shall cease when the assembly ends.

In addition to the chairman, a secretary shall be appointed who shall write down those matters worthy of being recorded.

Article 35 Jurisdiction of the major assemblies in respect of the minor
The classis has the authority to make judicial pronouncements in respect of the consistory. This also applies to the synod in respect of the classis.

Article 36 Consistory
In all churches there shall be a consistory consisting of the minister(s) of the Word and the elders. It shall meet regularly and be presided by the minister, or the ministers in turn. The consistory shall also meet regularly with the deacons.

This meeting shall deal with those matters as described for that purpose by the Church Order, the material affairs of the church, financial management, and all things which the consistory considers to be necessary for general management.

Article 37 Co-operation where the number of office bearers is small
Where the number of elders and deacons is small, the consistory can, on the basis of local rules, always meet together with the deacons. In that case, matters pertaining to supervision and discipline shall be handled with the advice of the deacons and matters pertaining to the office of deacons with the advice of the elders.

This shall invariably be the rule if both the number of elders and the number of deacons are less than three.

Article 38 Institution of offices
Initial or renewed institution of the offices in a place shall be carried out only with the consent of the classis.

Article 39 Places without a consistory
Places where as yet no consistory can be constituted shall be placed by the classis under the care of an advisory consistory.

Article 40 Meetings of deacons
The deacons shall, under invocation of the Lord, regularly come together to deal with the matters pertaining to their office.

They shall give account of their policies and management to the consistory.

Article 41 Classical meetings
A classical meeting shall consist of the churches of the region who shall respectively delegate a minister and an elder with the required credentials.

Such meetings shall be held at least once every six months. Every meeting shall determine where and when the churches shall meet again. At these meetings the ministers shall preside in turn. The meeting may also choose a chairman. However, the same minister shall not be chosen twice in succession.

The chairman shall ask whether the ministry of the offices is proceeding, whether the decisions of the major assemblies are being executed, and whether there is any matter about which the consistories require the judgment or the help of the classis for the proper continuation of their congregational life.

At the last meeting prior to a synod delegates shall be chosen to attend that synod.

Article 42 Ministers not delegated to the classis
Where two or more ministers are bound to a church, those who have not been delegated according to the foregoing article, may be present at the classical meetings in an advisory capacity.

Article 43 Counsellors
For each vacant church the classis shall appoint a minister as counsellor. He shall, for the sake of good order, serve the consistory with advice, particularly in relation to the calling of a minister.

Letters of call shall also be signed by him.

Article 44 Church visitation
Each year classis shall authorise some of its most experienced and capable ministers to carry out church visitations in all the churches of the region. Where it is necessary, the classis may authorise a capable elder to carry out this task together with a minister.

The visitors shall enquire whether the office bearers, individually and collectively, faithfully carry out their offices, adhere to the sound doctrine, whether the adopted order is being observed and maintained, and whether they promote the up building of the congregation to the best of their abilities, by word and deed.

The purpose of the visitation is to admonish those office-bearers who are found to be negligent; and to advise and assist, so that the peace, edification and wellbeing of the churches may be promoted.

The visitors shall submit a written report of their work to the classis.

Article 45 Regional synod
If a regional synod can be formed, it will consist of a number of neighbouring classes, which shall respectively delegate two ministers and two elders. The number may be three if the synod consists of two or three classes. The regional synod shall meet once a year, unless there are urgent reasons to meet more than once.

At the conclusion of the regional and general synod the time and place of the next synod shall be determined as well as the convening church for that meeting appointed.

Article 46 Synod
The synod shall be convened once every three years, unless there are urgent reasons which require an earlier meeting.

Every classis shall delegate to the synod three ministers and three elders.

Where a classis considers that the synod must be convened within the three-year period, the church appointed for the purpose of convening the next synod shall, with the approval of its classis, determine its time and place.

Article 47 Relation with foreign churches
The relation with foreign churches shall be regulated by synod. With foreign churches of reformed confession a sister church relation shall be maintained as far as possible.

Foreign churches shall not be condemned on minor points of church order and ecclesiastical practice.

Article 48 Censure in major assemblies
At the conclusion of the classical and other major assemblies, censure shall be exercised over those who have misconduct themselves at the meeting.

Article 49 Deputies of major assemblies
Every major assembly shall appoint deputies to execute matters ordained by it. Different groups of deputies shall, as much as possible, be appointed for separate matters.

The synod, in addition, shall appoint deputies who are to assist the classes in all matters comprised in the Church Order, and upon the request of the classes in cases of special difficulties. They, or some of them, shall also oversee the peremptory examination of prospective ministers.

The deputies shall keep an accurate record of their work and submit a written report. They shall, if so required, justify their actions.

Article 50 Archives
The consistories and major assemblies shall take proper care of the archives.

Article 51 Representation of the consistory in material matter
Regarding the management of material matters, a church is legally represented by two persons appointed for that purpose by the consistory with the deacons.

Article 52 Representation of the churches in lawsuits regarding church property
In lawsuits regarding property, both real and personal, that belongs to the churches in common in the classes or synod respectively, the churches shall be represented by the respective classis or synod, or by deputies which those assemblies shall appoint, instruct and dismiss. Such deputies shall be bound by the terms of their appointment and instruction.

C: Supervision over doctrine and worship

Article 53 Signing of the confession by ministers and lecturers
The ministers, the professors, and other lecturers at the Theological University shall subscribe to the Three Forms of Unity of the Free Reformed Churches in South Africa, by which the forms, drawn up for those various offices, shall be used. Ministers who refuse to do so shall, as a result, be immediately suspended and classis shall not receive them.

When, after discussion, they persist in their refusal, they shall be deposed from office.

Article 54 Signing of the confession by elders and deacons
The elders and deacons shall also subscribe to the aforementioned Forms of Unity for which the relevant forms shall be used.

Article 55 Averting false doctrine and error
In order to ward off doctrines and errors which via literature and other means of communication constitute a danger to the life of the congregation, the ministers and elders shall use the means of teaching, of refutation, of warning and of admonition, in the preaching of the Word as well as in catechetical instruction and at home visits.

Article 56 Administration of baptism to children
Baptism, being a seal of God's covenant, shall be administered to the children of the believers in a church service, as soon as it is practicable.

Article 57 Baptismal promise and education
The consistory shall see to it that the parents, to the best of their ability, cause their children to be given education which is in harmony with the doctrine of the church, as they promised at the baptism.

Article 58 Baptism of adults
Adults who have not been baptised shall be engrafted into the Christian church by holy baptism upon their public profession of faith. They are therefore called to celebrate the Lord's Supper and shall promise to do so when they are baptised.

Article 59 Use of forms for baptism
For the administration of baptism of infants and adults, the ministers shall use the forms which are adopted for that purpose.

Article 60 Admission to the Lord's Supper
The consistory shall admit to the Lord's Supper only those who have made public profession of their faith according to the Reformed doctrine, and lead a Godly life.

Members of sister churches shall be admitted on the basis of a proper attestation concerning doctrine and conduct.

Article 61 Celebration of the Lord's Supper
The Lord's Supper shall be celebrated at least once every three months in a church service, in accordance with the ecclesiastical order, and under supervision of the elders, with the use of the adopted forms.

Article 62 Church registers
The consistories shall maintain registers in which the names of the church members and the dates of their birth, baptism, public profession of faith, and marriage, are accurately entered.

Article 63 Attestation to another church
When members depart to another congregation the consistory shall, after making the required announcement to the congregation, give them an attestation regarding their doctrine and conduct, signed by the chairman and the secretary. This attestation shall also record their children who have not yet made public profession of faith.

The consistory of the congregation concerned shall be notified in due time.

Where a member, who has not yet made profession of faith, decides to move to another place, an attestation shall be sent to the consistory concerned with a request to take this member under its supervision and discipline.

Article 64 Support after departure
When members depart to another congregation where they will be cared for in institutions, old age homes or hospitals, they will in respect of deacon support remain, as much as possible, under the care of the church they are leaving.

If this is not possible, support will be arranged by consultation between the consistories and deacons concerned.

Article 65 Church services on the day of the Lord
On the day of the Lord the consistory shall call the congregation together two times for church services. The churches shall use the order of service that has been adopted by synod.

Article 66 Catechism preaching
The consistory shall ensure that, in the preaching, the doctrine of God's Word as contained in the Heidelberg Catechism will, as a rule, be proclaimed once per Sunday.

Article 67 Psalms and hymns

In the church services the Psalms shall be sung in the rhyming adopted by synod and, similarly, the hymns which have been approved by synod.

Article 68 Ecclesiastical feast days
On Christmas Day, Good Friday, Easter Sunday, Ascension Day, and at Pentecost the consistory shall call the congregation together for church services. The sacred events which the congregation commemorates in particular on those days shall therein be proclaimed.

Article 69 Days of prayer
In times of war, general calamities and other great afflictions the presence of which is felt throughout the churches, the classis which has been appointed for this purpose by the last synod, shall nominate a day of prayer.

Article 70 Marriage
The consistory shall see to it that marriages are solemnized by the church with the use of the adopted form.

Article 71 Funerals
Church services shall not be conducted for funerals.

Concluding articles

Article 83 No lording it
No church shall in any way lord it over other churches, and no office bearer shall in any way lord it over other office-bearers.

Article 84 Complying with and amendments to the Church Order
All these articles, which relate to the lawful order in the church, have been fixed by mutual deliberation and accepted in unanimity.

If it is in the interest of the churches, they should be amended, augmented or diminished. A consistory or classis, however, may not do this. They are to diligently observe the provisions of this Church Order as long as they are not changed by synod.


Note: This version of the FRCSA Church Order reflects all the amendments as adopted by FRCSA Synods up to Synod 2005.


D: Discipline

Article 72 Aim of discipline
Church discipline shall be exercised in accordance with the Word of God and to his honour.

The aim of discipline is that the sinner be reconciled with God and his neighbour and that the offence is removed from the church of Christ.

Article 73 Mutual responsibility
If anyone departs from the pure doctrine or is delinquent in conduct and this is a secret matter which does not give rise to public offence, then the rule which Christ clearly prescribes in Matthew 18, shall be observed.

Article 74 Report to the consistory
Secret sins shall not be made known to the consistory if the sinner, after personal, brotherly admonitions or after admonition before one or two witnesses, comes to repentance.

If anyone, having been admonished of a secret sin in accordance with the rule of Matthew 18, does not heed such admonition, or where someone has committed a public sin, then report of this shall be made to the consistory.

Article 75 Confession of guilt at repentance
When someone repents of a public sin or a secret sin which had to be reported to the consistory, the consistory shall accept this confession of sin if sufficient signs of repentance are evident.

The consistory shall determine whether an announcement of this confession of guilt should be made to the congregation.

Article 76 Procedure relating to discipline
Any person who obstinately rejects church admonition or who has committed a public or some other serious sin shall be denied admission to the Lord's Supper by the consistory.

If, after numerous subsequent admonitions, the person does not show any signs of repentance, the consistory shall, as an ultimate remedy, proceed to excommunication for which the adopted form is to be used.

No one may be excommunicated without the consent of the classis.

Article 77 Announcements during the procedure
After someone has been denied admission to the Lord's Supper and the following consequent exhortations, the consistory shall proceed with excommunication only after it has informed the congregation of the obstinacy of the sinner.

His sin and the numerous attempts to convert him by reprimands, denial of admission to the Lord's Supper and many admonitions, shall be made known at that time. The congregation shall be urged to admonish him and to pray for him.

This shall be announced on three occasions. In order to spare the sinner, the name shall not be mentioned in the first announcement.

In the second announcement his name shall be mentioned, after consent has been given, in accordance with article 76, by the classis.

In the third announcement the consistory shall inform the congregation that he shall be excluded from the communion of the church if he does not repent. In this way the excommunication shall have the silent consent of the congregation.

The consistory shall determine the time lapses between the announcements.

Article 78 Re-admission of those excommunicated
When an excommunicated person again wishes to be accepted into the congregation through repentance, the congregation shall be advised accordingly.

If no one is able to bring any objections against this, the person shall, after a period of at least three Sundays and after having publicly confessed his sin, be re-admitted into the congregation. The accepted form shall be used for this.

Article 79 Discipline in relation to office bearers
When ministers reject the admonitions of the church or when they publicly or otherwise engage in a serious sin, they shall be suspended on the ground of the judgment of their consistory and of the consistory of an advisory congregation appointed by the classis.

The classis, with the advice of the deputies of the synod as mentioned in article 14, must judge whether they ought to be deposed.

When elders or deacons are guilty of one of the above-mentioned sins, the judgment of their consistory and the consistory of an advisory congregation will be sufficient for their suspension or deposition.

Article 80 Serious and gross sins on the part of office bearers
As serious and gross sins which are grounds for the suspension or deposition of officebearers, the following are to be mentioned particularly: the promotion of false doctrines, overt schismatically activities, blasphemy, simony, faithless desertion of office or intrusion into the office of someone else, perjury, adultery, fornication, theft, violent behaviour, continual drunkenness, gaining wealth by unlawful means.

Added to these are those sins and serious offences which are grounds for excommunication in respect of other church members.

Article 81 Christian censure
The ministers, elders and deacons shall amongst themselves exercise Christian censure and shall exhort and kindly admonish one another in relation to the execution of their office.

Article 82 Discipline in respect of baptised members
A baptised member shall be admonished by the consistory when he as an adult fails to make public profession of faith or where in other respects he is not loyal to the calling to new obedience in God's covenant. If he obstinately rejects the admonition of the consistory and thereby clearly demonstrates that he is indifferent and averse to the covenant, or is even hostile to the service of the Lord, the matter shall, with the consent of the classis, be made known to the congregation. The consistory shall mention his name in the announcement and shall also set a term.

The congregation shall be urged to admonish him and to pray for him. If he does not, in the said term, show any real repentance, the consistory shall in a church service exclude him from the communion of the church. The adopted form shall be used for this.

If he, after this excommunication, comes to repentance and desires to rejoin the communion of the church, he shall be admitted by way of his public profession of faith after the consistory has made his repentance known to the congregation.