C: Supervision over doctrine and worship

Article 53 Signing of the confession by ministers and lecturers
The ministers, the professors, and other lecturers at the Theological University shall subscribe to the Three Forms of Unity of the Free Reformed Churches in South Africa, by which the forms, drawn up for those various offices, shall be used. Ministers who refuse to do so shall, as a result, be immediately suspended and classis shall not receive them.

When, after discussion, they persist in their refusal, they shall be deposed from office.

Article 54 Signing of the confession by elders and deacons
The elders and deacons shall also subscribe to the aforementioned Forms of Unity for which the relevant forms shall be used.

Article 55 Averting false doctrine and error
In order to ward off doctrines and errors which via literature and other means of communication constitute a danger to the life of the congregation, the ministers and elders shall use the means of teaching, of refutation, of warning and of admonition, in the preaching of the Word as well as in catechetical instruction and at home visits.

Article 56 Administration of baptism to children
Baptism, being a seal of God's covenant, shall be administered to the children of the believers in a church service, as soon as it is practicable.

Article 57 Baptismal promise and education
The consistory shall see to it that the parents, to the best of their ability, cause their children to be given education which is in harmony with the doctrine of the church, as they promised at the baptism.

Article 58 Baptism of adults
Adults who have not been baptised shall be engrafted into the Christian church by holy baptism upon their public profession of faith. They are therefore called to celebrate the Lord's Supper and shall promise to do so when they are baptised.

Article 59 Use of forms for baptism
For the administration of baptism of infants and adults, the ministers shall use the forms which are adopted for that purpose.

Article 60 Admission to the Lord's Supper
The consistory shall admit to the Lord's Supper only those who have made public profession of their faith according to the Reformed doctrine, and lead a Godly life.

Members of sister churches shall be admitted on the basis of a proper attestation concerning doctrine and conduct.

Article 61 Celebration of the Lord's Supper
The Lord's Supper shall be celebrated at least once every three months in a church service, in accordance with the ecclesiastical order, and under supervision of the elders, with the use of the adopted forms.

Article 62 Church registers
The consistories shall maintain registers in which the names of the church members and the dates of their birth, baptism, public profession of faith, and marriage, are accurately entered.

Article 63 Attestation to another church
When members depart to another congregation the consistory shall, after making the required announcement to the congregation, give them an attestation regarding their doctrine and conduct, signed by the chairman and the secretary. This attestation shall also record their children who have not yet made public profession of faith.

The consistory of the congregation concerned shall be notified in due time.

Where a member, who has not yet made profession of faith, decides to move to another place, an attestation shall be sent to the consistory concerned with a request to take this member under its supervision and discipline.

Article 64 Support after departure
When members depart to another congregation where they will be cared for in institutions, old age homes or hospitals, they will in respect of deacon support remain, as much as possible, under the care of the church they are leaving.

If this is not possible, support will be arranged by consultation between the consistories and deacons concerned.

Article 65 Church services on the day of the Lord
On the day of the Lord the consistory shall call the congregation together two times for church services. The churches shall use the order of service that has been adopted by synod.

Article 66 Catechism preaching
The consistory shall ensure that, in the preaching, the doctrine of God's Word as contained in the Heidelberg Catechism will, as a rule, be proclaimed once per Sunday.

Article 67 Psalms and hymns

In the church services the Psalms shall be sung in the rhyming adopted by synod and, similarly, the hymns which have been approved by synod.

Article 68 Ecclesiastical feast days
On Christmas Day, Good Friday, Easter Sunday, Ascension Day, and at Pentecost the consistory shall call the congregation together for church services. The sacred events which the congregation commemorates in particular on those days shall therein be proclaimed.

Article 69 Days of prayer
In times of war, general calamities and other great afflictions the presence of which is felt throughout the churches, the classis which has been appointed for this purpose by the last synod, shall nominate a day of prayer.

Article 70 Marriage
The consistory shall see to it that marriages are solemnized by the church with the use of the adopted form.

Article 71 Funerals
Church services shall not be conducted for funerals.