Article 2 Three offices
Three offices are to be distinguished: the office of minister of the Word, of elder and of deacon. Some ministers may be set apart for the training of students for the ministry, others for mission work.
Article 3 Necessity of lawful calling
No one shall fill any of these offices without having been lawfully called thereto.
Article 4 Binding to a certain church
No one shall be called to the ministry of the Word unless he is bound to a certain church.
Article 5 Calling to the ministry of the Word
The lawful calling to the ministry of the Word of those who have not yet occupied the office of minister, involves the calling, the examination, the approval of the congregation and the ordination.
The calling takes place, under invocation of the Lord, by the consistory with the deacons, with the co-operation of the congregation, and in observance of the regulations in local use. Only those who have been examined preparatory by the classis, in which they reside, shall be eligible for receiving calls. Churches which have no minister in office shall extend a call after having received advice from the counsellor who has been appointed for this purpose by the classis.
The examination, both of doctrine and life, shall be conducted by the classis to which the call must be submitted for approval. It shall take place in the presence of the deputies of synod for the classis. (According to art. 49 CO).
The approval of the church members is obtained when the name of the called minister has been announced in the church for two consecutive Sundays, and no lawful objection has been brought forward.
The ordination shall take place in a church service. The form which has been adopted for that purpose shall be used together with the imposition of hands by the officiating minister.
Article 6 Calling to another church
Ministers, who are called to another church, shall likewise be called in the aforesaid manner by the consistory and the deacons, with the co-operation of the congregation, and the observance of the regulations in local use.
The churches shall observe the general ecclesiastical ordinances for the eligibility of those ministers who have served outside South Africa in churches of reformed doctrine. The same minister may not repeatedly be called for the same vacancy without consent of the classis.
Churches which have no minister in office shall extend a call after having received advice from a counsellor who has been appointed to this purpose by the classis.
All churches are to obtain the approval of the classis. For this approval ministers, called in accordance with the provisions of this article, shall show good ecclesiastical testimonies of doctrine and life. The approval of the church members is also required and is obtained when the name of the called minister has been announced in the church for two consecutive Sundays and no lawful objection has been brought forward.
The ordination shall take place in a church service in which the form adopted for that purpose shall be used.
Article 7 Certificate of release with the acceptance of a call
When a minister has accepted a call to another church, that church shall not accept him as her minister until he has presented proper certificates of release from the church and the classis where he has served.
Article 8 Admission without theological training
Those persons who have not received theological training shall not be admitted to the ministry unless there is convincing evidence that they have exceptional gifts of godliness, humility, modesty, good intellect, discretion, and the gift of public speech.
When such persons present themselves for admission to the ministry of the Word, the classis, upon the approval of the deputies of synod for the classis, shall examine them. If, in the opinion of the classis, the examinations have favourable results, the classis shall determine a period of time during which the above persons may, as candidates, officiate in the churches of the classis area.
Thereafter the classis shall deal with them as it deems edifying, according to the general regulations adopted for that purpose by the churches.
Article 9 Admission of ministers who have recently joined the church
Ministers, who have recently joined one of the churches and originate from a church with which the churches do not maintain a sister church relationship, shall only be admitted to the ministry of the Word with great caution.
The appropriate general church stipulations shall thereby be duly observed.
When the classis and the deputies of synod for the classis deem it necessary, such a person shall first pass through a trial period.
Article 10 Officiating in another church
No one shall preach the Word or administer the sacraments in another church without the permission of the consistory concerned.
Article 11 Support for ministers
The consistory, on behalf of the congregation, shall be bound to provide for the proper support of its minister(s).
Article 12 Appointment to an extraordinary task
A minister shall not accept an appointment which will cause him to be completely devoted to an extraordinary task, such as an army or hospital chaplain, unless he remains bound to a church.
The relationship between him and the church, to which he is bound, must be arranged with the consent of the classis.
Article 13 Retirement of ministers
If a minister, by reason of age, sickness or otherwise, is rendered incapable of performing the duties of his office, he rightfully remains a minister of the Word.�
The church which he has served shall support him honourably. This obligation also applies in relation to widows and orphans of ministers.
Article 14 Dismissal
The consistory shall not dismiss a minister from his bond with the congregation without the prior knowledge and approval of the classis and the deputies of synod for the classis.
Article 15 Relief from office
Once a minister of the Word is called to office in accordance with the rule of Article 5, he is bound to the service of the church for life. This means he may not resign from his office.
He can only be relieved from his office and enter upon another vocation; if the consistory and the classis, in co-operation with the deputies of synod for the classis, determine that there are substantial reasons for doing so.
Article 16 Task of ministers
The task of ministers is to faithfully lead in prayer, preach the Word and administer the sacraments.
They shall watch over their fellow office-bearers and over the congregation. Together with the elders they shall exercise church discipline and see to it that everything is done decently and in good order.
Article 17 Equitable distribution of duties
When two or more ministers are bound to one congregation, equality shall be maintained as much as possible, not only regarding their office but also in all other respects, according to the discernment of the consistory, and, if necessary, of the classis.
The rule also applies in relation to elders and deacons.
Article 18 Training for the ministry of the Word
The churches shall maintain a theological university for the training for the ministry of the Word.
It is the task of the professors of theology, inter alia, to expound the Holy Scriptures and to defend the sound doctrine against heresies and errors.
Ministers, who have been set apart to serve in the training for the ministry, remain bound to the church which they served in the same manner as emeriti ministers, and keep the rights of a minister of the Word.
Together the churches are obliged to properly provide for them and their widows and orphans.
Article 19 Students of theology
The churches shall strive to ensure that there are students of theology. They shall extend financial aid where necessary.
Article 20 Calling of elders and deacons
The elders and deacons shall be called to their office by the consistory and the deacons, in co-operation with the congregation, and observing the regulations in local use. This includes that church members may draw the attention of the consistory to persons whom they consider suitable.
The consistory and the deacons shall present to the congregation twice as many candidates as required, and thereafter appoint those who have been elected. If no lawful objection is brought forward, they shall be ordained in their offices in a church service.
If necessary, the consistory and the deacons may present to the congregation the same number of persons as are necessary to fill the vacancies.
If no lawful objection is brought forward, they shall be ordained in the manner stated above. In both instances the form for the ordination of elders and deacons, which has been adopted for that purpose, shall be used.
Article 21 Task of elders
The task of the elders is, together with the ministers of the Word, to govern the congregation with pastoral care. They shall see to it that the ministers, their fellow-elders and the deacons, carry out their offices faithfully. For the up building of the congregation they shall make home visits as often as is profitable, but at least once a year. They shall also, together with the ministers, exercise church discipline and see to it that everything in the congregation is done decently and in good order.
Article 22 Task of deacons
The task of the deacons is to perform the ministry of mercy.
By making home visits they shall acquaint themselves with difficulties in the congregation. They will help and encourage where there is need, and also urge church members to render assistance. They shall, furthermore, collect the gifts, take charge of them properly and, after mutual consultation, distribute them where there is need.
Article 23 Retirement of elders and deacons
The elders and deacons shall serve for two or more years, subject to the local regulations. As a rule, each year a proportionate number shall retire. The retiring office-bearers shall be replaced by others, unless it is deemed desirable for the congregation to call them into office again. In that case the rules of article 20 shall be observed.
Article 24 Missionary calling
The churches shall perform their missionary calling observing the articles of this Church Order. When churches work together in performing this calling, they shall abide by the division into regions which has been accepted by the bond of churches.
Article 25 Task of missionaries
The task of ministers, who are called to the mission work, is to proclaim the Word of God in the region assigned to them. They shall administer the sacraments to those who have come to faith, and they shall teach them to observe all that Christ has commanded his church. According to good order, they shall also institute the offices.
Article 26 Consistory and evangelism
The work of evangelism shall have as its aim that those who do not know God or have been estranged from Him and his service may join the congregation of Christ by way of profession of faith according to the reformed doctrine. The consistory shall see to it that the work is done from this objective.
Article 27 Office bearers and the government
The office bearers shall impress upon the congregation that she is obliged to be obedient to and show respect for the government, because God has instituted the government. They should themselves be a good example in this regard and by means of proper respect and correspondence invoke the government to continually protect the ministry of the church.