Ontrouheid en soeke Text: 1 Kronieke 10:13-14Date: 2020-05-03Church: PretoriaMinister: Ds HH van Alten
Ek gaan op reis, en ek vat saam... Text: 1 Timotheus 6:6-8Date: 2020-04-19Church: PretoriaMinister: Ds HH van Alten
'Onverhinderd' - 'n bemoedigende woord vir 'n gegrendelde kerk Text: Handelinge 28:30-31Date: 2020-04-05Church: PretoriaMinister: Ds HH van Alten
Danksy Christus is God lankmoedig. Deur Christus se Gees word ons ook lankmoedig. Text: Galasiers 5:22 (lankmoedigheid)Date: 2020-04-19Church: Pretoria en MaranataMinister: Ds PG Boon
Vanaf die aarde klink die noodroep: My God, my God. Vanuit die hemel is daar verhoring. Text: Psalm 22Date: 2020-04-10Church: MaranataMinister: Ds PG Boon
Ons name word voor God gebring Text: Exodus 28Date: 2020-03-29Church: MaranataMinister: J. van Bruggen
As elkeen die plaag van sy hart ken Text: 1 Konings 8:37-40Date: 2020-03-15Church: MaranataMinister: Ds PG Boon
Uit sy voorsienigheid blyk dat God onbegryplik, groot maar ook goed is Text: Nederlandse Geloofsbelydenis Artikel 13 (God se voorsienigheid)Date: 2020-03-15Church: MaranataMinister: Ds PG Boon
Die offers wat vir die Here aangenaam is! Text: Kolossense 4:2-6Date: 2020-03-08Church: PretoriaMinister: Ds HH van AltenReference: Geheim van my heilige lewe (6)
Die Heilige Gees werk die vrug van blydskap Text: Galasiërs 5:22 (blydskap)Date: 2020-03-08Church: MaranataMinister: Ds PG Boon
Die HERE bring Dawid by die afgrond van die dood Text: Psalm 30Date: 2020-03-01Church: PretoriaMinister: Ds PG Boon
Die Skrif maak die engele en hulle optrede vir ons sigbaar Text: Nederlandse Geloofsbelydenis Artikel 12Date: 2020-03-01Church: MaranataMinister: Ds PG Boon
Die praktyk van die nuwe lewe in Christus Text: Kolossense 3:18-4:1Date: 2020-03-01Church: PretoriaMinister: Ds HH van AltenReference: Geheim van my heilige lewe (5)
May I never boast except in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, through which the world has been crucified to me and I to the world Text: Galatians 6:11-18Date: 2017-11-12Church: KaapstadMinister: Ds J Bruintjes
Let us not become conceited, provoking one another to anger. Text: Galatians 5:26-6:10Date: 2017-11-05Church: KaapstadMinister: Ds J Bruintjes
Let the Spirit of Christ breath the love of Jesus into your life. Text: Galatians 5:13-26Date: 2017-10-29Church: KaapstadMinister: Ds J Bruintjes
It is for Freedom that you are free. Text: Galatians 5:1-12Date: 2017-10-22Church: KaapstadMinister: Ds J Bruintjes
Freedom or slavery – An argument from Scripture. Text: Galatians 4:21-31Date: 2017-10-08Church: KaapstadMinister: Ds J Bruintjes
Adoption: You are heirs of God! Text: Galatians 3:26 - 4:7Date: 2017-09-10Church: KaapstadMinister: Ds J Bruintjes
Union with Christ, is based on God’s promise, not on the law Text: Galatians 3:15-25Date: 2017-09-03Church: KaapstadMinister: Ds J Bruintjes
The Gospel of Grace is reflected in a Christian’s life, and in the Bible Text: Galatians 3:1-14Date: 2017-08-27Church: KaapstadMinister: Ds J Bruintjes
Die Gees van Christus skep ‘n diakonale gemeente Text: Galasiërs 5:22aDate: 2020-02-23Church: MaranataMinister: Ds PG Boon